Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Superstar Sale!

Yep! That's right ladies!
It's time for the monthly superstar sale!
Go get those clothes!


Monday, May 24, 2010

I need your opinion!

I need to know what you think of the thing above :P
I think it kinds sucks. But im not a graphic designer!
So, please contact me on stardoll and tell me what you think...

*NOTE: It WAS my first time trying to design something graphically so please don't be too harsh! Just tell the truth though!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

SBD, New Event!

You may have seen us on other blogs, but Lizs and Tonia.ftw bring to you SBD (Stardoll's Best Dressed)

Stardoll's Best Dressed is a new Project which is aimed at the fashionable side of stardoll. It is a chance to express your originality and perception of fashion, and win the title of Stardoll's Best Dressed. This event is destined to be the next big thing, especially for those who are fame-hungry and simply stylish. This is a chance for fashionista's to be heard rather than unheard. We are bringing to you SBD. Be prepared. You too can join in on this event by signing up as a contestant. Go to our blog (stardollbd.blogspot.com), and fill out the form on our side-bar, and submit it. Once contestants are chosen, there will be a 5-Round battle to win the title of Stardoll's best dressed. Medolls will be eliminated each round, so you must give it your all. We hope you participate, and become part of this fast-growing project.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Okay, so i havent posted much in the past few days... so here's and update!

  • Well, i should be posting more info, more often. Yesterday was my last day of school (!!) and it's summer now, so yep.... (:
  • Stardoll has recently reached 60,000,000 members, so i just wanted to congratulate them for it!
So, as you can see, not much to report. But the info should be coming up some more in the future!

vv - What's that?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Free Alice Flower

I was just wondering through the suite shop and in the 'New Items' section, i found a free flower from Alice In Wonderland!
I like it!

Do you like it?
Tell me below


What's this?

I like to make a lot of new accounts, just to see whats going on... and today i found this..

So, either stardoll is getting a little needy or they are just being generous. I mean, 95 CENTS?!

What do you think is going on?
Tell me below!


Monday, May 17, 2010

New Interior Item

There is a new interior item! Well, it's a design item and it's kinda not a normal-ish thing!

Here is a picture of it...

I guess it's a tattoo that you can design, but i don't know! So we'll go with that!

Will you design and purchase one of these?
Let me know below!


Bye Bye Elle!

Yet another store is vanishing from our starplaza. Do you think any more will leave? I really hope the upcoming store is going to be great, what do you expect??

To be honest this was long anticipated by me, and to be frank, lot's of this clothing is now out of style and date, but you might as well collect as much as you can because they could become great value!

Lizs xoxo

Sunday, May 16, 2010

3 Fab Hairstyles

This is extracted from my new super-secret magazine, which is yet to be released, and is called Illusion.

Make sure to check back for great tips and advice!

Lizs xxx

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well, i found this girl. I found her by a stardoll email from Lettie97. I went to her suite and here is what i saw....

Is it me or is her suite like amazing? Haha i dont know.
But she is running for covergirl, so if you will, go vote her and tell her in her guestbook (:

Thanks (:


Her name is (stardoll) Lizs !
You may know her as the owner of Bloom Edition Magazine!
Well, thats our new writer!
She will be posting pretty soon... just as soon as we get everything set up (:
So, yeah, make sure you welcome her when she comes (:


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Amy Claire

Well, we know why they're taking away some stores!
Since they took away Vivianne Tam clothes, they now put out a NEW brand called Amy Claire! I like these dresses in my opinion. But they are a little plain. They're still great though!

What do you think of the new Amy Claire clothes?


Monday, May 10, 2010

Farewell to Philosophy

Well, here goes another store gone. These items were a little pricey but they sure will be missed. The patters are so unique. I will for surely miss them ):

Will you miss Philosophy?


Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Interior Design Item

So, there is a new interior design item (:
It's a cat called the Lynx. Its also the endangered species of the month.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Okay, i posted something yesterday about how Vivenne Tam clothes went on sale. It made the question "Is it leavng?" come up. And sadly, the amazing clothes are leaving stardoll ): Sad day when it does, the dresses are really stylish and some-what affordable (maybe). So yes, they ARE leaving ):


Monday, May 3, 2010

Vivienne Tam Clothes - Leaving?

Okay, so i logged on today and i went to the starbazzar to see if the hotbuys shirt had come out yet (it did). But when i got to the starbazzar, i saw that the Vivienne Tam clothes were on SALE. Now, they might just be on sale... but i dont know. Are they leaving? Staying? Just felt generous?

Tell me what you think in the comments (:
Id love to hear from you.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

How to Add Yourself.

Okay, so a lot of people already know this, but i just decided to post it.

So here is how you add youself.

1. Type something in the 'Find Friends' box. I mean type something that is basically not allowed as a username. Something like $$$ or something like that.

2. Once you get to the page with all the users, type your username in the box at the top.

3. Click the little friend icon and click send.

So, it took me doing this two times to actually make myself show up as my friend. It wont send a friend request. It'll just show pending requests you have made. Then, eventually you will be your own friend.

Hope i helped (:


May Hotbuys

Hotbuys Bodysuit - Evil Panda - May 11
Hotbuys Head Bow - Pretty In Pink - May 16
Hotbuys Skirt - Rio - May 13
Hotbuys Belt - Rio - May 20
Hotbuys shoes - Bisou - May 29
Hotbuys Heart Top - Evil Panda - May 1
Hotbuys Earrings - Splendid - May 3
Hotbuys Top - Pretty in Pink - May 25
Hotbuys Dress - Pretty In Pink - May 5
Hotbuys Bag - Bisou - May 22

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Got Butterflies?

Well, in the stardesign interior place. There is a new design item! It's a Butterfly!

It's not really that useful. But it sure adds a little life to your suite (:

New Members = Free Superstar

Okay, so when you are a new member, you get all the usual gifts. You also get free superstar clothes, free suite decorations, and on the third day of stardoll, you get a FREE 24 HOURS OF SUPERSTAR! Now, you cant just do all the normal superstar stuff. But you can Broadcast, Buy superstar clothes, and buy superstar furniture. Oh, and you can design stuff and actually get it!

Here are the free suite decorations you get:

- Free View of Starplaza window.
-Free Stardesign Mannequin.
-Free Rug with Cat under it.
-Free Bullhorn.

You also get 60 stardollars (All ive gotten so far- 3 days) to spend. 20 each day (:

So, all the new members get sort of a luxury (:
